Soils and Mulches Webinar
Most gardeners know the importance of good soil in their garden. The soil is the soul of your garden and if it’s healthy you’ll have less problems and more beautiful flowers, fruits and veggies. In this Webinar on Soils and Mulches I’ll talk about the different types of soil, why its important to know your soil well, how to build healthy soil and the role of nutrients, drainage, pH, organic matter and microbes in the soil. I’ll also talk about new ideas about using organic mulches in your garden and landscape. These include which mulches are best for different plants, how and when to apply mulch for water retention and weed control and I’ll debunk some myths about how mulch effects the soil.

About this Webinar
Your soil is the most important part of your garden. Get it right and you’ll have less watering, fertilizing, nutrient problems and even pests in the garden. I’ll go over a basic Soils 101 talking about sand, silt and clay, the advantages of each, testing your soil for nutrients, drainage and pH and why that’s important, the organic matter and microbes in the soil and a brief review of No-Dig Gardening as a way to build healthy soil.
Organic Mulch is a big industry and we see wood mulches everywhere in the landscape. I’ll talk about the best mulches to use for annual flowers, vegetables, perennial flowers and trees and shrubs. I’ll debunk some myths about wood mulches concerning soil pH, nitrogen in the soil, depth of mulches and spreading diseases. I’ll talk about the different types of bagged and bulk mulches, which are best and how to use them in the landscape.
In this Webinar you’ll learn about:
- Different types of soils and how they effect how you garden
- Fun home experiments you can do with your soil
- The role nutrients, pH, drainage, microbes and organic matter play in the soil
- How to build better soil using No-Dig Gardening techniques.
- The types and advantages of organic mulch in the gardens
- Matching your mulch with your type of plants
- Myths about wood mulch including changing the pH, robbing the soil of nitrogen, mulch depth and spreading diseases
- The surprising type of wood mulch that is best for perennials, trees and shrubs and how to use it.
This is a one hour-long presentation and questions afterward.
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Here’s a 3 minute Sample from my past Spring Gardening Webinar to review