No Dig Gardening & Raised Bed Webinar
About this Webinar
Gardeners understand the importance of preserving and building soil health. But one technique that has come under increased scrutiny is tilling or digging the soil. Digging the soil destroys soil microbial life, disrupts the natural flow of water, air and nutrients in the soil and leads to more weeds.
That’s why I created my No Dig Gardening and Raised Beds. Based on my book, The Complete Guide to No Dig Gardening, I’ll talk about different ways to build a healthy and productive garden bed using various no dig techniques. The benefits include healthier soil and plants with less work and inputs. The most popular no dig system is multi-layered beds, but I’ll also talk about topsoil/compost filled beds and deep mulching.

No Dig Gardening & Raised Beds
In my No Dig Gardening and Raised Beds Webinar I’ll cover various types of raised beds to use for no dig gardening and talk about the benefits and drawbacks of different raised bed materials. By building the soil versus tilling it, we’ll be mimicking Nature in creating a healthy ecosystem under your soil. The billions of microbes will be able to create a fertile environment where water, air and nutrients flow, pests are kept in check and plants an grow strong.
Other topics will be converting your bed to no-dig, building a no dig bed on a weedy site, maintaining a no dig garden and protecting plants from animals and pests with raised beds. I’ll also talk about other related techniques such as straw bale gardening, hugelkultur, keyhole beds and polyculture. Whether you’re a beginning veggie, herb and flower gardener or an experienced one, there will be something for everyone in this webinar.
No Dig Gardening & Raised Bed Webinar
Click to purchase for $9.99
In this Webinar you’ll learn about:
The benefits of no-dig gardening
The benefits of raised beds and various types to use
Various ways to create a no dig bed
How to bed a no dig, raised bed on compacted soil and weedy sites
How to convert your bed to no-dig
Gardening techniques to maintain your no dig bed
Examples of other no-dig related techniques such as straw bale gardening, hugelkultur and keyhole beds.
This hour-long presentation will be followed with a ½ hour of questions and answers where I’ll be able to help you individually with your gardening situation.
Here’s a 3 minute Sample from my past Spring Gardening Webinar to review