Lawn Care and Growing a Bee Friendly Lawn Webinar
Lawn grass is the number 1 garden plant we grow. Even though more and more gardeners are steering away from lawns, lawns are still are primary feature in our landscape. Growing a healthy lawn doesn’t mean relying on lawn services and chemicals. You can grow a safe, beautiful and healthy grass organically. In this webinar I talk about how to have a lawn that needs less maintenance and care and still looks good.
I’ll also discuss ways to make your lawn more bee friendly. You can grow a bee friendly lawn that still looks like a regular lawn by growing the right plants and maintaining them properly.

About this Webinar
In this webinar, I’ll cover the basics of good lawn care practices. I’ll mostly focus on cool season grass lawns. Fall is a great time of year to work on your lawn. The ground is moist and air is cool making this a perfect time to seed, renovate and repair your lawn. I’ll talk about grass varieties for cool season areas, sowing grass seeds versus installing sod, repairing bare patches in your lawn, aerating the soil, overseeding existing lawns with more grass seed and top dressing your lawns with compost.
In the second part of this webinar, I’ll talk about new research on how to incorporate other flowering plants, such as white clover, prunella and creeping thyme, into your lawn to make it more attractive to pollinators. Many gardeners love to grow pollinator gardens. Bee lawns is a simple way to transform part of your lawn into a bee friendly environment. This technique still lets you mow the lawn to have it look neat just by adjusted your mowing techniques.
In this Webinar you’ll learn about:
- Choosing the best grass varieties for your landscape
- The differences between sowing seeds vs laying sod
- Repairing thin or bare patches in your lawn
- Overseeding the lawn with more grass seed
- Topdressing the lawn with compost
- Reducing weeds in your lawn.
- Creating a Bee Friendly lawn by sowing low growing flowers and adjusting your mowing routine
This is a one hour-long presentation with recorded questions and answers afterward.
Lawn Care and Growing A Bee-Friendly Lawn Webinar
Click to purchase for $9.99
Here’s a 3 minute Sample from my past Spring Gardening Webinar to review