All About Houseplants Webinar
About the Webinar
Houseplants are becoming more popular and everyone seems to have some new and old houseplants that are in varying degrees of health. In his webinar, I talk All About Houseplants. I start by highlighting houseplants for special situations. For example, houseplants for low light areas, houseplants for those that forget to water, and houseplants for color and texture. Then I talk about some new varieties of houseplants that are more colorful for their leaves and fruits and easy to grow.
Finally, I talk about care. What’s the best lighting, temperature, watering and fertilizing schedule and pest controls for your plants.
Many homeowners and renters, especially in Northern climates, love the look, feel and atmosphere that houseplants create. Houseplants have been proven to lift your mood, help you feel less depressed and anxious and, in the case of hospitals, help patients heal faster. So, why not up your houseplant growing game but trying some of the houseplants I talk about in my All About Houseplants Webinar.
In this All About Houseplants Webinar, I talk about choosing the right houseplant for your light, temperature and care conditions. There are some houseplants that are almost fool proof. I discuss new varieties of houseplants that add unusual color and texture. And I go through the basics of houseplant care.
In this Webinar you’ll learn about:
- Lists of houseplants for specific growing conditions such as low light and low water needs
- Some new varieties of houseplants that add pop and color to your indoor garden.
- Determining how much light you have in your room for growing houseplants
- How much water to give your houseplants so they thrive.
- When and how to water
- Fertilizing houseplants
- Sleuthing common problems with your houseplants.
This is a one hour-long presentation.

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Here’s a 3 minute Sample from my past Spring Gardening Webinar to review