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Charlie’s Mid February Newsletter



All About Pruning: Webinar, Podcasts, Videos and Stories

It’s February and time to get in the yard and start pruning. Pruning is one of those chores that intimidates many gardeners. Often gardeners are afraid to prune for fear of killing or hurting their plant. But with a little science know how and some creativity, you can prune easily and effectively keep your plants in bounds, flowering and looking beautiful. In this newsletter I highlight my Pruning Trees and Shrubs Webinar where I talk, in depth, about pruning various trees and shrubs such as fruit trees, flowering shrubs, evergreens and hedges. Check it out below.

In this newsletter, I also provided links to articles, podcasts and videos on my website about pruning various plants including raspberries, lilacs and roses. Read more about those here as well.

Until next time I’ll be seeing you, in the garden.


How to Prune Trees and Shrubs Webinar



In this webinar I hope to simplify pruning shrubs and trees so that you can move more confidently in your pruning tasks this winter and spring. I’ll try to take the guesswork out of pruning and talk about the whys and hows of pruning based on science.

In this Pruning Trees and Shrubs Webinar, I talk about the best ways to reduce the size of overgrown shrubs and trees without making the plant look unnatural or causing it extensive damage. I’ll show examples of good and bad pruning techniques and how you can do better. Here’s some of the topics I address.

The best tools to use to prune, the whys of pruning and what happens when you prune a branch, how to prune a young tree, especially fruit tree, to create the proper branching before it grows large and how a shrub and tree responds to pruning at different times of the year. I’ll also talk about the different types of pruning cuts (thinning out, heading back, rejuvenation), how they differ and when to use them, when to prune various flowering shrubs and why, how to prune a hedge and how to prune different trees and shrubs including flowering shrubs, evergreens and overgrown trees and shrubs.


Go here to learn more and to purchase my Pruning Trees and Shrubs Webinar


More on Pruning…


Pruning Roses


Read or listen to this short podcast about Pruning Roses. I talk about the best ways to prune landscape, shrub and species roses.

Learn more about Pruning Roses  here


Pruning a Lilac Video


Everyone loves lilacs, but often they just grow too big. In this video, I show how to prune your lilac to keep it in bounds and when is the best time to prune.

Learn how to prune lilacs here


Pruning Raspberries Video



Red Raspberries on the cane

Raspberries are a great home garden fruit to grow, but they do need annual pruning to fruit their best. In this video and article, I talk about the different types of raspberries and show how to prune them so they are productive each year. Learn about pruning raspberries here.

Learn how to prune raspberries here


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