How to Grow: Control Slugs and Snails

Learn how to control these slimy gastropods in your garden.

Learn how to control slugs and care for your vegetable and flower garden. Controls include non toxic, organic baits, traps, and some unusual techniques. Listen to the podcast and watch my video.

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Start any conversation about gardening during a spell of wet weather and sooner or later the talk will turn to slugs and snails.  Vermont slugs and snails are not as large as the foot long banana slugs my friends in Seattle deal with, but they can be just as numerous. I’ve even been noticing lots of little brown snails recently in my garden. No matter. Slug or snail, they both are after the same things; a dark, moist area to live in , decomposing organic matter, leaves of plants such as lettuce, hosta, and basil and soft fruits such as strawberries to eat.Snail, Slug, Garden, Pest, Nature, Animal, Brown

So, let’s cut to the chase and talk about slug controls. Many gardeners are already familiar with the usual list of controls such as beer traps, copper strips on containers, cultivating regularly to dry out the soil, and sprinkling sharp sand, crushed egg shells or oyster shells, and diatomaceous earth around plants. These controls are all effective, but here are a few other ideas to try for small infestations of these gastropods.

While slugs like beer, they also love citrus. Consider placing orange or grapefruit halves in the garden where slugs are active. Go out in the morning to collect and dispose of these slug ladened fruits. Caffeine is toxic to slugs. Sprinkle coffee grounds around susceptible plants to kill slugs and snails. Research at the USDA showed crabgrass being toxic to slugs. Consider harvesting some crabgrass, drying it and mixing it with corn bran and beer to create a cookie that will attract and kill these slimy creatures.

Finally, spread iron phosphate baits such as Sluggo in the garden. The slugs are attracted to the yellow pellets, eat them and die. Iron phosphate is safe for the environment and wildlife.

From The Vermont Garden Journal on Vermont Public Radio



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