Hire Charlie Hire Charlie as a Gardening SpeakerI'm a nationally recognized garden writer, speaker, and radio & television personality based in Vermont. I've worked for over 25 years to bring expert gardening information to home gardeners.I delight in making gardening information simple, easy, fun, and accessible to everyone. I've spoken at venues across the country such as the Northwest Flower Show in Seattle, Philadelphia Flower Show, Boca Grande, Florida Garden Club, Arizona Highland Master Gardener Conference, and Idaho Nursery and Landscape Association annual meeting. Speaking fees and travel arrangements are decided on a case-by-case basis.Hire Charlie as a Garden ConsultantIf your organization or company is interested in starting employee gardens or offering gardening-related programs at work, I can help. I have worked with many regional and national companies and organizations over the years, such as Dealer.com, Velcro and Stonyfield Yogurt, to offer programs and consult about landscaping and gardening needs. Whether the gardens be containers on a roof, a garden in the ground or indoor gardens, I can tailor my talks to fit your situation.I can help you decide on a spring inspirational gardening presentation or offer an on-going gardening workshops, interacting with your staff while in the garden. Employee gardening has proven to boost worker moral, team work and esteem. Many national companies, such as Pepsi and Blue Cross Blue Shield, offer such programs.Your information:Your Name (required) Address City State Zip Phone Your Email (required) Subject Message to Charlie For Speaking EventsOrganization Date of Event Time of Event Location of Event Event Topic Approximate Attendance Follow Sign up for Charlie's Newsletters!Success! Email Subscribe View Current Newsletter Generic selectors Exact matches only Search in title Search in content Post Type Selectors post page product