
Groundcovers Videos

How to Grow: Groundcovers as Food

Learn how to grow and care for groundcovers for food and for fertilizer for your trees. Transcript Groundcovers are beautiful plants that cover the ground with greenery and flowers. They help reduce weeding and protect the soil from drying out. Plus, they look nice. Vinca, ivy, pachysandra and sweet woodruff are just some of the most popular ground covers. But I like to grow edible ground covers. They do all the things I just mentioned. They look good and you can eat them, too. Instead of just mulching under my trees in the lawn I grow...

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BulbsVegetable Videos

How to Grow: Harvesting Garlic

It's garlic season in our zone 5 garden Garlic is one of the easiest vegetables to grow and a treat because you plant it in fall with tulips and other bulbs, protect it with a mulch, and then harvest the following summer. Harvesting is simple but the timing is important. Harvest garlic plants when 2 to 3 of the bottom leaves have browned. If you harvest too early you take away from the bulb sizing up well. If you harvest too late, the cloves start to separate around the bulb reducing the time you can keep them in storage. To harvest, don't...

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Vegetable Videos

How to Grow: Harvesting Vegetables

Care for your veggies by watching this video to learn when and how to harvest beans, cucumbers and zucchini. Transcript Summertime is veggie time in the garden. Harvesting veggie sometimes can be a little confusing. For certain vegetables, like tomatoes and pumpkins, you can tell they're ready to be harvested because they turn the right color for that fruit. Other vegetables, like broccoli, you know the head is big so you probably can harvest it. Even for root crops you can dig around a little bit and see that they're underneath there and...

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How to Grow: Japanese Beetle Controls

Watch this video to learn about the life cycle of Japanese beetles and how to control them organically using sprays, hand picking and traps. Transcript If you're a gardener east of the Rockies you know about this pest the Japanese beetles. They plague gardens and feed on over 300 different types of plant. Now if you're West of the Rockies, watch out. They might be coming your way. Japanese beetles are tough to control because they love everything. Just let me give you a list of some of the plants they'll feed on; apples, plums, cherries,...

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Vegetable Videos

How to Grow: Kohlrabi Video

Learn about this Eastern European vegetable that has been a staple in their diets for centuries. I talk about varieties, how to grow this broccoli-family vegetable, and how to eat it. It has creamy white flesh that's crunchy and mild tasting. It's great used raw in dips, for making slaw or even making oven fries. Go here for more on growing kohlrabi...

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Shrubs Videos

How to Grow: Landscape Roses

Learn how to grow, select and care for landscape roses. Roses have a reputation of being hard to grow. If you go to a garden center you'll see the hybrid tea and floribunda roses abound, but a lot of those roses have disease problems. They also maybe not be very hardy in cold areas and they require some maintenance and extra fertilization. But the new landscape or shrub roses have changed all of that. These came about about 20 or 30 years ago. These are beautiful shrubs that bloom all season long and they don't...

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Shrubs Videos

How to Grow: Lilac Pruning

Learn how to prune and care for lilacs in this video. It includes information on pruning an overgrown lilac. Transcript Everyone loves lilacs these beautiful spring flowering shrubs have fragrant flowers that add lots of color and they're great harbingers of summer. They can be grown as individual plants around the house or in the lawn or even as a hedge plant. They require little care and faithfully produce flowers every year as long as they're happy. But lilacs do need six to eight hours of full sun a day. That way they'll actually bloom...

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Garden Design & CareSoils & Fertilizer Videos

How to Grow: Making a Raised Bed Garden

Learn how to build a raised bed garden including the materials to use, the size of the bed, and what to grow and hot to care for them. For more garden videos, check out the National Gardening Association. Transcript Hi I'm Charlie Nardozzi of the National Gardening Association. Today I'd like to talk to you about raised bed gardening. Raised beds are just what they sound like; mounds of soil that made it to various shapes. They offer lots of advantages in the garden. They warm up sooner and dry out faster in the spring making it easier for...

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How to Grow: New Hydrangea Care

Watch this video about some new, smaller hydrangea types how to care for them in your yard so they bloom. Transcript Hydrangeas are hot again. This trendy shrub really is making a big comeback. It was really popular during the Victorian era and then really fell out of favor for many years. But in the last 10 or 20 years we're seeing new varieties being developed that make it more beautiful, more compact, and more useful in the landscape. You've probably all have heard of the 'Annabelle' or the arborescens hydrangea. These are those big,...

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