
Fruit Videos

How to Grow: Thinning Fruit Trees

Learn how to thin the fruits in your apple, plum, peach, and pear trees so you get a better harvest and care better for the tree. Transcript There's nothing like growing your own fresh fruit. Apples, pears, plums,and peaches right on your own trees are easier to grow than you think. With quick maturing varieties and dwarf varieties it makes it simple. You don't need an orchard or a big yard. All you need is a small space with a lot of sun and these varieties will produce in a couple years. There are some chores you have to do to keep them...

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FruitPerennials Shrubs Trees

How to Grow: USDA Hardiness Zone Map

The new USDA plant hardiness zone map splits the country into 13 zones (which includes Puerto Rico), with a and b half zones, based on average winter minimum temperatures over the past 30 years. Although not the last word on plant hardiness and survival, the map has been a touchstone for gardeners to compare plants and determine which are best for their area. The USDA Hardiness zone map was last updated in 2012 and now they have a new 2023 version. As you might expect with global warming, the hardiness zones have shifted. In 2012 there was...

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FruitGarden Design & CareVegetable

How to Grow: Vertical Gardening

Listen to this podcast on how to grow edible plants vertically on your deck, balcony, or wall.   If you'd like to start an edible garden, but your yard is limited in space or sun, think up. Vertical gardening has become popular in urban areas around the world. I see vertical gardens everywhere, from small balconies to skyscrapers. But you don't have to live in a city to grow vertically. It's a good way to maximize any space and keep your favorite edibles within reach. The first step is to assess your growing space. Determine how much...

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blog Fruit

How to Grow: Watermelons

Yes, you can grow watermelons (Citrullus lanantus) in our climate and they're worth the effort. I've grown the small round, ice-box types and kids and adults love to crack them open, munch on the sweet juicy flesh, and have seed splitting contests. While watermelons are mostly, water, they do contains vitamins such as A, B, and C and high amounts of the cancer-fighting anti-oxidant lycopene. Varieties are either oval or round with pink, yellow, orange or red flesh and seeded or seedless. When to Plant Watermelons like the heat, so wait...

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How to Grow: Wild Fruit Trees

Learn how to care for your wild fruit trees to produce more fruit. Listen to podcast:   Maybe it's because of all the rain earlier this summer or maybe it's an "on" year, but I've been noticing a bummer crop of wild apples and pears. Often untended wild trees will alternate their bearing years. Producing lots of fruit one year, and few the next. This fruit quality can be marginal at best, to actually pretty good depending on the weather, insects and diseases and the variety. While harvesting from wild trees can be rewarding, you might...

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Fruit Videos

Pruning Raspberries

Learn how to prune red or yellow fruiting raspberries. Prune raspberries in July after the cane is finished fruiting. Leave the light green canes to fruit in fall and again next summer.     Learn more about growing raspberries here.

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