Flowers Shrubs and Trees


How to Grow: Poisonous Holiday Plants

Learn about poisonous holiday plants, including information on which to grow and which to avoid. Listen to Podcast: It's fun to decorate the house with colorful holiday plants and seasonal greens. They create a warm, welcoming atmosphere during these cold, dark days. But whether you're decorating your own home or giving holiday plants as gifts, you should keep in mind some can be toxic to pets and young children. The reactions can range from a mild skin irritation, to stomach upset, to a serious reaction needing medical attention. If you...

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How to Grow: Pothos

Sun Requirements Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) or devil's ivy is related to Philodendron, another vining, popular houseplant. They both grow best in bright, indirect light. Pale green leaves usually means too much sun. The loss of variegation and the leaves may reverting to all green can mean too little light. Bloom Period and Plant Shape Pothos is grown primarily for its heart-shaped leaves and long vining stems. Some types vine more aggressively than others. Mature Height x Spread The plant vines almost uncontrollably outdoors in tropical...

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How to Grow: Rubber Tree

Sun Requirements Rubber tree houseplant (Ficus elastica) grows best in a bright room with lots of light, but no direct sunlight. A South facing window shielded with a sheer curtain is ideal. If your rubber tree starts getting leggy, it doesn't have enough light. Bloom Period and Plant Shape Rubber trees are grown for their large size and big, shiny, thick leaves. The plant grows in a tree shape, so you'll need to have enough ceiling space to grow this tree. Mature Height x Spread Rubber trees grow up 100 feet tall in their natural outdoor...

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How to Grow: Snake Plant

Sun Requirements Bright, indirect light, but will tolerate low light conditions. Bloom Period and Plant Shape Snake plants (Sansevieria) rarely boom indoors. They have stiff, vertical, sword-like leaves that can have a number of different colored edges depending on the selection. They are grown in tropical regions as a ground cover, often under trees and shrubs. They can become invasive in the wild. Indoors, snake plants are easy to grow houseplants. Mature Height x Spread Snake plants grow up to 4 feet tall in their native regions. In the...

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How to Grow: Spider Plant

Sun Requirements Spider plants (Chlorophytum comosum) grow best in moderate to bright, indirect light. Hot, direct light can burn the leaves and cause brown tips and spots. If brought outdoors in summer, hang the plant in a shady location. Bloom Period and Plant Shape Spider plants are primarily grown for the green and white variegated leaves and baby plants that hang off the mother plant on stems. This is a good hanging basket plant. They will occasionally flower indoors with sprays of small, white flowers. Mature Height x Spread Spider...

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How to Grow: Terrariums

Learn about making and growing terrariums indoors. Listen to podcast: In the 1800's a London physician called Nathaniel Ward wanted to watch an insect chrysalis transform into a butterfly. He placed it, with some soil, in a glass jar and sealed it shut. To his amazement, but not only did he see the butterfly form, but he also saw ferns and grasses growing in the bottom of the jar. The plants continue to grow in the sealed jar for 4 years without additions of water. It was the first modern terrarium. Terrariums are popular again. Garden...

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How to Grow: Tillandsia

Learn about this unusual houseplant that just needs air and water to survive in your home. Listen to Podcast: Let's face it. Houseplants just aren't very sexy. Sure they are green and clean the air, but they're often just very common looking. Plus, many people get intimated by houseplants, thinking they will kill any plant. Well, the latest houseplant trend changes all that. They are tillandsias or air plants. Tillandsias are types of bromeliads that naturally grow on trees in the topics. What's cool about these plants is they don't need...

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Houseplants Shrubs

How to Grow: Tropical Hibiscus

Sun Requirements full sun Bloom Period and Seasonal Color Blooms from spring to fall and is a broadleaved evergreen Mature Height x Spread 8 to 15 feet x 5 to 10 feet, although can be larger in tropical areas such as Hawaii Tropical hibiscus is an evergreen shrub that is only hardy to USDA zone 10-11. This means it's limited to growing outdoors in the United States to subtropical areas of California, Texas, Arizona and Florida as well as Hawaii. It's often grown as a foundation plant or mixed with other subtropical plants and flowers in...

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How to Grow: Umbrella Plant

Sun Requirements Place an umbrella tree (Schefflera) in a room with bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sun that can burn the leaves. Leggy and floppy plants may not be receiving enough light. Bloom Period and Plant Shape Umbrella plants are evergreen, foliage plants in the tropics and are grown for their lush leaves that are shaped liked umbrellas around the trunk. Umbrella plants grow in a shrub-like shape indoors, but some can be trained into a single trunk tree. Mature Height x Spread The umbrella plant grows quickly. Outdoors in...

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Garden Design & CareHouseplantsPodcast Shrubs

How to Grow: Unusual Holiday Wreaths

Learn about creating unusual holidays wreaths made from native materials. Listen to podcast: Holiday wreaths adorn may houses this time of year. While I love the traditional evergreen wreath with pine cones, winter berries, and dried grasses, you can also get creative about what you use to make a wreath. The first type of wreath I like to call the “morning walk” wreath. This is a wreath made from natural materials you find along your morning walk in the woods or fields. Bring along your hand pruners and a bucket and snip colorful dogwood...

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